One of the most mind blowingly awesome things about being in Scotland is how at home I feel, I have on several occasions been asked how long I have lived in the city to which I reply laughing "it seems like forever, but in conventional terms only three weeks." It is amazing how quickly days become ritualistic, like every morning I pour a bowl of Cheerios and blueberry yogurt to compliment my cup of instant coffee.
I leave my flat pretty much t the same time every day listening to my walking music playlist titled "you got this," and strut my stuff the fifteen minute walk to class. The other day I ignored my pre-made playlist and put my entire library one music on shuffle (a version of Russian roulette except the bullets were music and the luck portion was attributed to a random algorithm produced by my iPod. I digress.) It was a cold, drizzly day and Toccata and Fuge in D Minor began to play just as I stepped outside of my flat. It was perfect. Classes seem to be settling down as well, my unsolicited advice to all those studying abroad at any point in the UK is that the first couple of classes will seem scary HOWEVER don't let that deter you from taking the course. My priorities are health- studies- traveling, and I know that this is not the most popular approach to,studying abroad, yet as I have to remind myself on the daily I am studying abroad, not taking the semester off to travel,Europe. Having said all of this I have begun to make plans to travel the British Isles and Ireland, and hopefully make it to Paris and Normandy in December.
On the subject of studying, I have spent a good portion of each day here (save Saturday and Friday of last week) working and reading in the Main Library of the University. In part because my courses require me to check out books and print off articles, but mostly because this library would rival that of the Beast's in Beauty and the Beast.
Aesthetically, it looks like part of the set from the origonal Star Trek. A set that has over 3.5 million books. I literally don't have enough time in the year, let alone day to read as many of these as I would like to. This library has allowed me to touch and read a rare manuscript as well as access cutting edge theories on the Welsh kingdoms in the 11th centuries. I am in nerd heaven.
Total books,checked out and read thus far: 20
Articles read: 35
If I am completely honest... It's going to be really difficult to look at my home university's library the same way ever again. The one way the library at home is better is the printing. While both sport wireless and cloud printing, at home the printing is free, and here it costs £0.05 per page.
I am so not about this life. So as a direct result I have been learning how to read articles without destroying them with my annotations. I know, first world problems.
The leaves on the trees here have yet to begin their firework display of colours, however I think it may start soon! Also be warned pumpkin and apple flavour lovers: SCOTLAND DOES NOT DO SEASONAL FLAVOURS. NOTHING IS FLAVOURED PUMPKIN IN HONOUR OF OCTOBER, THERE ARE NO PUMPKIN COFFEES. NOTHING. Its been rough.
In summary, I am loving living here in every capacity possible.
Until next time,