Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thistle Do

Two weeks into my awe inspiring semester and and I have only had one proper day of rain and grey, hence the sparsity of posts. So here I am, sitting with a cup of tea to finally write. My Journey started off on the 6th of September in Logan Airport where I said goodbye to my family and crossed through the first of like, 14 different security checks. As I was removing my shoes and placing my belongings in the grey security tubs I started to cry, but just a little. It was enough for the security guards to keep shooting me glances of concern out of the corner of their eyes but not enough to alarm the other travelers around me. After waiting in Logan, I boarded the plane and waved my beautiful USA goodbye.

The Flight itself was uneventful, and thank goodness for that. I sat next to a BBC executive, and we chatted for a good couple hours about religion and theological paradoxes which as you may well know works up quite an appetite. So we dined in relative silence on what I can only describe as really good food. Yeah I know. Good airline food. I know what you're thinking, this can't have possibly happened. It did, I knooow riiiiight?!!  Once I had landed in the good ole' UK I had to go through I think four thousand high tech security checks, and every time I cleared one I did something like this:

Then after four hours of sleeping and waiting we boarded the plane headed for Scotland. My arrival into Scotland was breathtaking, as we descended in the plane I had to pry my face from the window.I had finally arrived. By this time my jet lag had set in and all I wanted was orange juice, it was my holy quest, my mission- without orange juice I wouldn't survive. Luckily I was traveling with angels, so while I curled up in a corner of Heathrow they bought be a bottle of fresh squeezed orange juice and brought it to me. Nothing has ever tasted so glorious. Nothing.

The first couple of days were a blur, I was running around the city getting bedding, a mirror, shampoo etc. By the end of the first day I kinda felt like

But I wasn't chain smoking..... I have asthma.....

However, I did do it.

I spent most of my Freshers week being a tourist, I climbed Arthur's Seat, visited the Castle and St Margaret's Chapel (which was honestly a hugely spiritual moment for me).

Me and St. Margaret's window

I have walked Princes St and the Royal Mile, etc. When I finally stopped my jet lag caught up to me and I had a proper low day. Then the Scottish sun set on my Freshers week and slowly rose over the first week of me being a fully matriculated student at the University of Edinburgh. Oh. My. Lanta.

There have been some moments where all I wanted was a hug from home, to curl up in my bed and close my eyes. Being as close to my family, and this being the furthest I've ever been away on my own has been scary and overwhelming.

Not going to lie... a great amount of chocolate has been consumed. 

However having said that... I am so beyond elated to be able to study in Scotland, the land of my ancestors. I have completely fallen in love with this city and the people, and now that I've been here for almost two full weeks I feel like I know my way around the city and University. I have this cute little Turkish tea shop I frequent, my flatmates are more then I could have asked for, and I am settling into my classes with relative ease. I can't wait to see what these next couple of months have to offer.

Until next time,



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