So, as you can probably gather from the title of this post, this is my last post from bonnie Scotland. And what is it that I have been doing my last day you ask? Moping mostly. I ran to the bank to make some last minute money exchanges, a wander through Greyfriar's graveyard, a farewell tea with friends and some ukulele playing. But the thing I did most was mope. I apologize in advance for this post, I have no control over the emotions of this post. Brace yourselves.
I when I was preparing for my semester abroad I knew from the beginning that I was going to go to Scotland. Even in my application, acceptance, and packing I had no friggen clue what I was getting myself into. When I first made the jump across the big pond I kind of felt like this dog did in the taxi:
But I settled pretty quickly and learned the way of the world over here, not going to lie there were a few mix ups due to accents and for a brief moment I contemplated the possibility that I was going deaf. However I acclimated, developed a routine, and lo and behold, hold on to your hat, baton down the hatches, the semester was over before it even started and I was staring down finals. Several break down skypes later I had a similar experience to when the ring tumbled down into the fiery pit of Mt. Doom:
And then my reaction was something along the lines of this (but without the creepy mustache... )
My general attitude towards most things now is:
Which generally induces this reaction in most people when eventually I lead them the wrong way up Arthur's Seat (ya'll know who you are), or when I tried to carry a conversation with a nice Parisian man to only put my foot in my mouth, or when I basically Captain Jack Sparrow (no I don't have a ship yet, well I do but it's complicated) my way into anything:
I digress.
But now it's my time to leave and go back home, but as corny as this sounds I'll be leaving one home for another. Nothing has prepared me for this moment, Global Ed back at my school is brilliant- top notch they really make sure you pick the right place, and they prepare you for the trip over and living there. But what about the trip back?
I have taken the route of emotional eating (I know it's not good for me mum, but it was only for like two days)- all of the chocolate I could get my hands on I did. But there is no time for that anymore as I tuck into my crazily uncomfortable yet oh so comforting uni bed.
I'm not sure what I'm going to be like tomorrow, I might cry the entire time, or I might not cry at all. Perhaps the only time I will cry is when I am tucked into my bed home and alone in my room. Woah. I was really fortunate to have had the most amazing flatmates,
I don't think I will ever be able to thank my parents enough for helping me financially, emotionally, spiritually, and grammatically (well the last one is just silly but you get the drift) me through the process of applying and studying abroad. If they had not believed in me, I wouldn't have believed in myself enough to do this. I'm not really sure how I will answer the one question most people will ask me in polite conversation, so- how was your semester abroad?
I think I have to stop writing now because, and I'm going to be completely honest with you, I just can't anymore. So I'm going to go have my last night in Scotland for a wee bit, because a big part of me knows I'll be back sooner then you can sing "Flower of Scotland."
Signing off from Scotland,
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