Friday, October 4, 2013

I Think I'm Living in Camelot

Right, so before you read this update click HERE.

Yeah, so as you can probably figure out for yourself between the title of this post and the video of the ever majestic Mr. Burton, the weather here has been amazing, beyond that even! Everyday has greeted me with a blue sky and mild temperatures, towards the late afternoon when I am safe in my flat, the sky goes grey with clouds and the wind picks up. Then it rains during the night, to end before I open my curtains the next morning. I literally don't understand, I was expecting rain, fog, cold sweater weather and I have been greeted with better weather than I would have found back in New England. Yeah- this country is beautiful, this I could get used to.


I have also found that I have developed a system to rank the many coffee houses, and several bars I have visited over my time here. for coffee houses I've hit up the Elephant House, mostly known for its close association with Harry Potter and it's writer J.K Rowling. Did I say writer? Oh that's funny I meant prolific writer that defined a generation and gave children the tools to dream. Just saying. Anyway, I entered and was wowed by the sheer number of elephants littered around the entire shop.. literally everywhere. So I cued up and ordered a latte and a scone. Firstly the entire thing was overpriced, so this counted as a strike one. THEN they proceeded to give me a plain scone- without jam or butter, this is not the way to my heart.

I ended up grabbing a couple of diner-jams and pre packaged butter, and sat myself down to a mediocre tea. Overall I was kind of, not to be whiny but disappointed in the Elephant House, and I don't think I will be going back any time soon.  The best of all the bests is a little shop called Kilimanjaro Coffee, I literally have dreams about this place. Not to mention that right next door is a little used book shop, and I have developed a habit of stopping into the book store on my way to grab a cup of coffee or tea. Every time I tell myself that I won't buy a book- but then I see it and I HAVE TO BUY IT. HAVE TO.

The scones are the size of an infants head, and they serve it with a jar of clotted creme ( £0.40 extra, but even still you're paying £2.30 for a huge scone and jam AND CLOTTED CREME). For those who do not fully understand the beauty of clotted creme ya'll need to click on THIS read it, and

BUY THE CLOTTED CREME. It may be the least healthy thing ever, but I love it. ESPECIALLY when it comes with a scone. I could literally go on for hours about this, but I won't bore you... But seriously if you ever want to talk scones just shoot me an email or a text and I will go on until the sun rises. I have a problem.

How I rate the many bars in Edinburgh is how they make their gin and tonic (the key here is loads and loads of lime) and whether or not they know how to make a dark and stormy (see picture below).

So far my top three are Frankensteins, The Doctor's and Malone's. Frankensteins offers a weird out of body experience with an antiquated architecture and set up, but modern lighting and music. The two big draws as I see it to this place is that above the bar, there are three big monitors playing old black and white movies and then the second is that at midnight Frankenstein descends from the ceiling. The Doctors is a little more mature and low key, gilded with a taste of the good ole days, this is a popular place for a quiet drink and a good chat with a couple of friends. And then there is Malone's, this is the perfect University student bar, they offer a discount card on several popular drinks, so that's nice. Its a good place to meet new people, however if you are looking for something on the smaller scale Malone's is not the bar for you- its massive with an opening area sitting room, a dance floor on the ground floor with booth seating and an upper tier seating level. Malone's is a good place to watch a game of football if you want the cheers and chants to go along with it. But if you wanted a quiet and casual night of drinks you might get there and feel like this:

This weekend I have a grand adventure up off into the Highlands and I am buzzin. It's a two day grand adventure to all of these places:

I think the place I am most excited to go to is Glen Coe... no wait it's Loch Ness... No wait Iverness... No wait, ALL OF THEM!!! Gah, I thought I had gotten pass my ermergerdertscrtlnd  phase but clearly I am not, ah well hopefully this trip will tide me over for a wee while. Hopefully.

A couple of quick facts:

1. Don't freak out when you're at the self checkout and the darn thing-a-ma-giggy wont scan. Just bat your eyelashes, slap on a smile and ask for help.

2. Bring your own shopping bags, if not to save the environment to save your arms and fingers.

3. Split your grocery shopping up into two different days during the week. Fresh products and breads expire really quickly in Scotland, so this way you'll have a variety of foods and won't have to waste any of them!

4. When you're learning your way around the city know which shortcuts to take and WHEN to take them, like don't cross the Meadows at night... ever.

5. There is a lot you can do for free and have a blast- it might take a little digging, but with a little faith, trust and pixie dust you'll find them (my personal favorites are the National Museum, Arthur's Seat and Greyfriar's)

6. Say yes to most things, not everything, but this way you'll continue to push yourself out of your comfort zone which is a good thing. Mostly.

7. Live like your a student. Now having said this, don't deprive yourself of experiences or memories because it might be a little pricey- you are studying abroad, and there is more to life than studying. So when you're caught in a situation where you're going:

Indulge, treat yourself to that trip or to that book, just find a balance between living like a student and living abroad.

Well, that's all I have for now, until my next post!



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